Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Ballad of Birth, Sickness Old Age Death & Beyond

This is a recent addition to embodied poetry files, which appeared in a first draft probably in May last year when the pandemic madness held everyone its clutches.  There is nothing special about this piece but I am strangely satisfied with the flow of rhythm in which it composed itself.  

In the light of the Buddha's teaching one cannot but consider the present day frenzy regarding the disease and its alleged cure as a display of utmost delusion & ignorance.

Why not face the truth instead!  And the truth is that everyone dies and sometimes many people die, as in a war, or in a tsunami, or in a pandemic.  Accepting it will help overcome the crisis, managing the crisis by suppressing everything in its name, especially for the gain of greater worldly power will only lead to greater destruction.  Eventually it will destroy the crisis managers.... But as the saying goes, 'Whom the gods want to destroy, they first make mad.'

Which only proves the point of what the Buddha taught and is reflected in this trifle of a self-manifested poem.

When Shakyamuni the Buddha magically 

appearing as an ordinary man

walked the Earth of the blessed land of India

beings were born they were happy & suffered

got sick sometimes

always aged & eventually died

thus the great sage taught &

never denied the obvious

but rather made no exception for himself

in his display of passing on


when the Roman empire stretched far & wide 

or when the lands of the great T'ang send out

sparks of genius in arts poetry & crafts

beings were born they were happy & suffered

got sick sometimes

always aged & eventually died

Cesar was stabbed & so were many of the mighty

in the Middle Kingdom or beheaded

in the times of the great plague

or much later when Britannia deluded herself & everyone

with dreaming the dream of ruling the seas

beings were born they were happy & suffered

got sick sometimes

always aged & eventually died

so it had to happen that even Victoria the almost almighty

breathed her last at last

today that money power pervades everywhere

enslaving everyone through make-believe & trickery

beings are born even now

are rarely happy & more often suffering 

get sick through depression & yes

beings still age & beings eventually die

before & after a shyster cure worse than the disease

will have been concocted to never cure anything but charging a hefty price

this is the way in which mind

under the dominion of karma 

has set things up

for impermanence 

to rule supreme

the more the minions of delusion

try to deny & suppress the fact

the tighter it keeps them in its clutches & 

will spit them out

when their time is up

likewise for the self-appointed masters of the universe

whom nobody will even remember next time around

nothing will change the fact that will forever remain

beings are born

they are happy & suffer

get sick sometimes or more often

they always age & eventually die

or so the display keeps on playing until

these beings wake up & start questioning

this entire mind made set up

thus they venture into embodying

what is pure & real magic

breathing in breathing out

space there & everywhere

space even in-between

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