Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Myth vs the Presence of Freedom

"The story is told that Chandrakirti, a famed Mahayana master once fed the monks of his monastery in a time of famine by milking the painting of a cow.  Accepting this story as true we ask: how could he have worked such a miracle?  One answer consistent with the understanding employed by illusion mind, might be that he had mastered the power of alchemy and could turn molecules of air into molecules of milk.  But an answer more true to shunyata is that Chandrakirti had mastered the power of mind - the power of shunyata to shape reality into any form.  When the mind-imposed structure that presents 'milk' and 'painting', 'monks' and 'famine' and ultimately 'Chandrakirti' himself, has never been established, there is absolutely no need for transformation.  The power of maya is freely available."

"The creations of illusion mind are grounded in the fundamental illusion of mind, and both are shunyata.  A thought is born but does not take place; a thought takes place but has already gone.  The distinctions of 'here' and 'gone', 'arising' and 'never-coming-to-be' are all equally available, with complete flexibility.  Seeing this, we see that illusion does not have to leave us deluded."

---Tarthang Tulku, "Milking the Painted Cow'

Freedom is sharp
the curved blade that cuts
head off my neck
and lets heart blood spout
in the manner of a fountain

freedom is tender
            with my arms around you
as if they were feathers
            for the love of the world
I cannot embrace anything called 'other'

freedom is boring
            going to the toilet
to shit and piss
            every morning looking in the mirror
searching for pimples on the nose

freedom is fire
            I hammer the steel of the thoughts
that shackle 'I' 'me' 'mine' and everything
            only to have the acid of fear corrode
these very irons I hold dear
freedom is delicate
the dewdrop that falls
from the leaf above
            makes the web tremble
and the spider rope down
freedom is despair
            no food before us
with all the good people in chains
            while our leaders spit roast our livers
at their tables of plenty

freedom is desire
never getting
enough of it
when everything
is always there

freedom is sentimental
            these tears stain your pillow with
my so very special situation that I am facing
            head remains stuck in the mud
'I' cannot walk through walls as 'I' never will

freedom is straight and narrow
fault lines
            to bring about many a cleansing disasters

freedom is simply free
            no quality but its own
and there is stillness
            leaves unfolding in April
tumble to rot in November

even stupor is freedom
so is clinging
and so is hate

knowing thus definitely freedom is
naturally self-affirming
projecting more gossamer
subtly trembling luminous threads

I can drink my tea
I can sip my wine
every once in a while
I can look up in the sky

the thought doesn’t abide
that anyone not even being there
will ever not partake
in this heart of presence

and we do not even need to ask
does appreciation
require some separate ONE to be there
to appreciate

Thanking all the guru lamas who have blessed my life & practice 
at the moment of writing this in particular Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche
for never tiring while conveying the liberating presence
given together with all of Time Space and Knowledge

Copyright 2018: Choyin Dorje/Matthias Dehne

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