Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Lama’s Pointing Out Never Stops

This was actually written after Lama had left his body.  But as he promised that he will always be with us, as he is now inseparable dharmakaya, I cannot stop myself from writing to him and about him as if his form was still here, with us.  

And in a way it is, especially if there can open a sense or direct taste of the second core statement of the Heart Sutra that usually is not even noticed - and especially hard for western minds to digest: about emptiness being form.

Anyway, poems are like wine.  You need to let linger & taste.  And then you either like it or you try another vintage that promises to tickle your taste buds in ways that your would like more.

I take refuge in the teacher
this little man
far taller than the looks of his

vast as sky he is
he does not offer any handle
to handle him

not even one can cling


this truly carefree human form
not someone on whom
I can project the faults generated
by impure visions of my own

they don’t stick

he is the Buddha himself &
the second Buddha


thus when I see him drink poison
it is my poison that he drinks
I offered it and he accepted

but when as a result he is physically shaken
he remains inseparable from the light
radiating outward always thus

in this manner he demonstrates
how to transform everything without
the slightest attempt to rearrange the world

according to concepts his or mine

it borders on magic & is done
powered by a long forgotten
all pervading wish

to let shine forth
everything there ever is
as direct knowing

& in this manner
to whomever cares to notice
he teaches ways to relax
with whatever is presently appearing

* * * * *

so when I look at this mountain
strutting high & mighty across the valley
now there is ‘seeing’—but not ‘it’

space neither bound by
‘mountain’ nor by my ‘sight’

whatever arises
may feel like falling

countless ‘mountains’ just crumbling
vanishing into similar ‘mountains’

that also unravel into their own
but mountains beautiful to behold nevertheless

& rivers rushing along
through rocks & meadows & forests


may all beings drown
all of their cares
in the immaculate compassion
of pristine appearances

1 comment:

  1. The bit about not having a handle, immediately spoke to me. Thank you.
